In time for Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to the franchise which made him a star, in Terminator Dark Fate, I returned to talk on the Double Edged Double Bill podcast. The great chaps Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani invited me to discuss two films of the former Mister Universe, and Governor of California. The choices were Paul Verhoeven's combination of smart sci-fi and bloody action, Total Recall, and the nightmarish and icky "comedy" that is Junior.

There were many bad accents attempted, interesting discussions about the films, and I encourage you all to give these guys a listen. You can do so by clicking the link here, or wherever you usually listen to podcasts. Be sure to follow these chaps on Twitter @DEDBpod, on their Facebook page, and send feedback to! If you like the show, be sure to rate them and subscribe, and we'll see you at the party, Richter.